Here I Stand

Author: Salla' Oliver


I stand before you like a mountain in a thunderstorm.

Strong against the chaos and darkness. Refusing to fall.

But only a storm I endure, only I see.

I stay in my mind a lot, go through so much but I can't show it.

Because I would be seen as complaining, whining, angry.

This isn't a piece talking about the many woes of a black woman.

It's a piece about me. This is a "Why do I have to be strong all the time and never show vulnerability" piece.

You hear it about men all the time.

I'm here to tell you, women can endure this too.

I want to cry, yell, scream to the top of my lungs and fuck shit up, if necessary, without being judged.

Staying in this dark room with this storm can cause invisible issues.

Issues that only come knocking at my door in the wee hours of the morning and the most inopportune times of the day.

I try to walk with my head high and hide my frustrations with life but sometimes it gets a bit much.

And sometimes a good cry and a hug would heal it all. Even if temporarily.

I hurt, I can be broken, I can be angry, sad, depressed or just not feeling the shit that day.

I fall on hard times.

It's just this smile mastered the art of disguise.

The next time someone is complaining or looks to be down, instead of judging them, help them.

Help them with the locks of that dark room that they just can't escape.

Help them free themselves.

In helping you've helped someone face another day.