Body by Celine Smith

Tallum has waitressed here several years ago. She wore the mandatory uniform consisting of an inconvenient long-sleeved non-stretch black dress showcasing her collarbones and shoulders which earned her venomous stares from wives. Paired with the dress came ugly black ballet slippers with a thick rubber sole. She flitted and fumbled through the maze of circular tables covered with white cloth donning whatever flower happened to be in season from some faraway exotic country.

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~The Stars~ by Hannah Day

He floated through the sky, concealed by the surrounding darkness as he purposefully dimmed his own vibrant light. The stars that gave off light around him, he believed, better deserved the admiration and attention that was given to the sky. His duty was instead to aid them, to make sure they always shone as brightly as they could. He didn't mind, truly.

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